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96% of customers rate this company 4- or 5-stars
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Riley I. 03-21-25
Joseph M. 03-21-25
Chris S. 03-20-25
Diana F. 03-20-25
I purchased 2 Cue Sticks from ozone billiards and I am pleased to say that the product was as advertised and I am very happy with my purchase. Although I have not had any problems with my purchase so far and I really enjoy shooting pool again with the Cues I purchased. I have never shot with a fiber optic Cue before and I am amazed at how well it performs. I am extremely pleased with ozone billiards products. Thank you so much for your continued customer service.
Product Satisfaction5 / 5
I thought the price and product was excellent for a beginner and I will continue to be a customer.
Wayne K. 03-19-25
Bill M. 03-18-25
James E. 03-17-25